How this Athlete C.E.O. made professional soccer his side hustle


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How Matt Sheldon used Youtube to build his Athlete C.E.O. Enterprise

Matt Sheldon is a current professional soccer player that has been able to create an enterprise by sharing his journey via Youtube. Sheldon is one of the most followed North American professional soccer players on Youtube with a base of over 650k subscribers. Sheldon started his channel all the way back in college when he first embarked on “Becoming Elite” and has been able to create an enterprise with show pillars like match day analysis and the offseason series.

Matt’s game plan is amazing in so many ways and one that other athletes can take a page out of. Matt’s journey to the pro ranks was unorthodox and his ability to story tell, make quality edits, and provide authentic behind the scenes insight makes him relatable to players and fans alike.

Sheldon has done a great job of building branches from his main tree of youtube and has created training programs and offers paid consultations.

On his website, you can see how he’s created a very fruitful business.

Here’s a quick business breakdown of one of his service offerings:

$99 mentorship call

If Matt were to have 2 calls per day for 5 days a week for 52 weeks he would make $51,480 dollars.

On top of what he’s already making via Youtube, training programs, and brand deals …

It’s safe to assume Matt Sheldon is making well over 6 figures from his off field ventures

Oh yea, and we haven’t even spoke about his professional soccer salary. Sheldon currently plays in the USL Championship where salaries can range anywhere from low 5 figures to mid 6 figures. Sheldon is a value add to any team he’s on. Not only because he’s a solid versatile veteran but he can bring marketing exposure to whatever team he’s on.

It’s amazing to see how the power of story telling and Youtube has created this opportunity for Matt Sheldon and excited for what he continues to do in his journey…

If I were the business manager for Matt Sheldon, here’s what we’d possibly add if we were working with Matt Sheldon:

App - Matt has already done the hard work by developing different training programs, workouts, and game plans for others to follow his footsteps. The next step would be to invest in an app or white label an existing app plaform to create his own Become Elite program. This app would run on a subscription model to get recurring revenue and allow him to customize his programs more. By implementing an app he could build an ongoing, more robust business that’s easier to use than a customer printing a program or having to open up a pdf file.

Camp/Combine - Matt’s story is unique in that he’s played at almost every level both domestic and overseas. He’s had to fight his way to the position he’s in now. Through hard work and sheer determination, a lot of aspiring soccer players gravitate towards his story. He knows what teams are looking for and something he could do is conduct his own offseason camp/combine to coincide with his offseason series and provide others a pathway to create their own become elite story. To be fair, Matt is already partnered with a company that hosts offseason combines so this venture might be irrelevant.

Creative Agency / Consultant - Many soccer teams especially domestically are dropping the ball when it comes to story telling. Matt Sheldon is easily one of the best active soccer players to consult on how to gain an audience that sticks. Whether it’s helping other teams or players build their own audiences, he has the credibility for people to seek his services.

White Label A Soccer Specific Product - Following our Athlete CEO Product Framework. It’s imperative Matt Sheldon build out a product. He’s already built out a digital product but we believe his next evolution would be a physical product. Whether it’s a bounce back portable wall to help your touch or natural supplements for performance ( he’s a certified nutrition coach) or even a product to help you make content while playing. Matt is well positioned to take his performance and popularity to build a product that will ultimately make him profit.

What do you think about these opportunities? Any jump out, what might we be missing?

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